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Assets vs. Clients

With XplicitTrust you can connect any number of devices with each other.

Before connecting a device, you need to decide whether the device will function as a client or as an asset (or -for advanced users- as a virtual asset):

  1. Clients:
    Devices that will access services on other devices. Typically, regular users' computers or laptops will be set up as clients. Clients let the user authenticate and have access to services on assets based on the policies that apply to the user.

  2. Assets:
    Devices that can be accessed by other devices and provide services like SSH, HTTPS, RDP, etc. Typically, servers will be set up as assets. Additionally, assets can also be peered by configuring policies, to access one another.

  3. Virtual Assets (for advanced users):
    Like regular assets, but for devices on which you don't want to or can't install our agent. Examples are printers, network cameras, some file sharing servers, unpatchable legacy systems, etc. These devices can be accessed via another Asset that should to be in the same network (the "gateway asset", which needs to be a Linux/Raspberry Pi system). For details see virtual assets.

  4. Exit Node (for advanced users):
    Exit Nodes act as the default gateway for all traffic that is not send to any Asset, Virtual Assets, or Subnet. For details see exit nodes.