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Changes in Release 0.878 (2023/11/19)

  • Asset Creation Tokens

    • On the Settings page it is now possible to create tokens for automatic asset deployments ("Unattended provisioning").
    • These tokens will only be displayed once they have been created.
    • For assets created by this token, it is possible to configure
      • which Policies they should be included in (on the source or target side)
      • which Tags should be applied to them
      • whether it should be enabled after creation
  • Management Console

    • Performance of the Policies page has been significantly improved for large numbers of policies.
    • Fixed: Assets added only to Default Policy were still causing not in any policy notification.
    • Fixed: Diagnostics used to show source IP instead of destination IP in the Public IP column of Destination.
    • Search fields now have an x icon to clear the search.
    • Fixed: Minimum Windows version filter didn't match any clients.
    • Fixed: Disabling a Subnet didn't work at all.
    • Fixed: Disabling a Policy didn't remove the corresponding connections.
    • Fixed: It was possible to configure hostnames like 'localhost' which would cause unexpected problems.